We find out today if the house actually sold yesterday. Our real estate agent will be giving us a call today to let us know if we have a new landlord. It has been pretty annoying dealing with this for eight months now but at least it will be over today (we hope).
Sleep was not something that was going to happen last night so I got up at 6:00 a.m. and in my bleary-eyed state, I made coffee, bacon and then I put bleach in the sink to clean it. That's definitely a great aroma combination first thing in the morning and it definitely wakes you up if the coffee doesn't. What was I thinking? Maybe multi-tasking is not the best thing to do when you are half asleep.
Soccer is in high gear right now and our frosh/soph team is doing well in the preseason. We had a game last night and we have a tournament starting today that goes through Monday. I think that gives us a schedule of seven games in seven days, but the girls are having a great time. Last night I waited at the school for the bus to deposit the girls after the game. I could hear the singing as the bus made its way down the hill, it was quite amusing to hear the girls laughing and singing as they rolled into the parking lot. Gabi jumped of the bus, with red and gold balloons hovering over her head as she tried to manage the secret sister packages she received and her soccer gear. She played really well yesterday and her coach gave her high fives and high praise as she walked off the field.
I was planning on trying my hand at making a small batch of tamales on my own (OMG) today, but that will have to be postponed since Gabi's tournament schedule changed and we now have a game today. I don't know how I am going to squeeze in this little project with all of this soccer going on, my new column starting next week, and trying to get ready for Christmas. I'm also the point parent for Gabi's soccer team so I am in charge of organizing the team pasta parties and the charity backpack event for Christmas.
I was also thinking about trying my hand at a small batch of menudo. I helped out in the kitchen as a kid but that was the last time my hand actually touched tripe. Most people are grossed out by it but I happen to love it. I need to find other ways to prepare it besides having it in menudo, not that my husband or kids will touch it but I need to experiment, I have been in the food experimenting mood lately.
Baking has been a priority these days. I tried out a new ginger cookie recipe and although they weren't quite what I was shooting for, they were gobbled up immediately. I need to take another shot at them before Christmas. I had an interesting cupcake order which shot my stress level through the roof. I had to work with a local chocolatier to make it happen and although she was making very little money from my order, she went above and beyond the call of duty so my cupcakes would be a success. And, they were. I can't wait to do another order just like it since now I have a handle on how to do it.
I have a few books sitting around waiting for me to read them, but right now, I don't have the time I had just a few short weeks ago. I picked up "White House Diary" by Jimmy Carter from the library and a friend of mine loaned me "Where Men Win Glory" by Jon Krakauer, the story about Pat Tillman. I'll tackle the library book first, and to be honest, I am hesitant to read the Krakauer book as I warned that it is going to make me angry, I don't have a lot of energy for angry right now. That one will have to wait a bit but I will read it. I have also been bombarded with reading essays that Gabi has written about "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Tom Sawyer". Of course, that leaves all my newspapers piling up along with all my cooking magazines unread. There just not enough hours in a day.
For now, I will just try to focus on my column, which I am so excited about, and a little nervous, but I will make it happen.
Maybe next time I blog I might have an idea where I will be living next month.