Someone recently told me that if I didn't have bad luck I would have no luck at all. Oh yeah, it was my sister. She found out that the house we are renting may be auctioned off soon due to foreclosure. I wasn't walking around whining it about it but in my family, there are no secrets and news travels fast, not that I was trying to keep it a secret.
Actually, I have not spent too much energy worrying about it. Truth be told, when I first saw the notice taped to front door I had to laugh, because that's my life. There are no easy fixes, tremendous opportunities or blessings from above for this little family of mine and its been that way for most of my life. But there are only so many times you can ask "Why me?" It becomes an absolutely ridiculous question after a while.
To be honest, we are far too busy to get mired down with this new bump in the road. Summer is upon us again and we have yet to really enjoy any of it. I had to leave town the same day of Gabi's graduation to stay with my mom through my step dad's hospitalization. Andrew and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. We spent 4th of July inside because it was unseasonably chilly. And every free moment in between all of that was spent getting Gabi back and forth to high school soccer tryouts and club soccer practice.
We are still having no luck on the job front so the financial "Threat Level" has moved from Guarded to Elevated. I don't know how long it will take to get to High but I fear it is not too far off. By the way, anyone who needs cupcakes should call me right away.
I did try my hand at an outdoor sport with Andrew and we went out a few times to play tennis. That became an exercise in futility because in Orange County you pretty much have to pay to play...oh and I hurt my foot so I can barely walk. Andrew is such an understanding and loving husband, he told it is because I am old.
I am determined to have some fun so as soon as my foot is functioning again I am hitting the beach with my son. We won't be waiting for Andrew and Gabi as they have soccer every day for the next few weeks since she made the high school team and is also on a club team. Oh and Andrew is coaching her so they are useless to us.
July is almost over and I have to figure out a way to make the best of it, whether we have a place to live, money for food, sanity left or not.
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