We have been living in our rental home for close to a year now. Its a little stressful not knowing what will happen at the end of the year, if we will stay or if we will go. We only just started to get to know our neighbors here and they seem really great and I have to say, its really nice to have a huge park at the end of our street.
Gabi mentioned something about the lottery this morning and I started to think that maybe winning the lottery was a viable option for our financial crisis! Wow, I need a break. Hopefully we will get some good news this week (got a few things in the fire you know).
Halloween was really fun in this new neighborhood. We had tons of kids (some were not really kids anymore) in numbers that we had never seen in the old neighborhood. That was a treat (no pun intended) for Andrew because he loves to go all out decorating the house and scaring all the kids. He set up a monster on a pulley system to fly towards the porch as the kids turned and walked away, as well as a fog machine and a big, hairy spider that jumps out at you when you get to close to it. Our neighbors gave him rave reviews for all of his efforts. He also carved all the pumpkins and we roasted the pumpkin seeds right away. I baked mummy cupcakes for a friend and for a dinner party that we had the night before Halloween. It was a great weekend, Gabi's soccer team even won their game and I discovered a new martini drinking buddy!
I wrote a few more food articles but the website still places them under the wrong category so that is beyond frustrating. Hopefully they will get that resolved soon or I will have to move to greener pastures, green as in moola baby!
Currently, we are mired down with much to do about fundraising, for soccer and for science camp. So many things to sell for these kids but its part of the gig when have kids. I think we may have had to do more when the kids were in private school, on a much higher level. I would rather sell Sees candy than golf tournament fees or luxury vacations, thank god I am currently surrounded by normal people, of course I could be overstating that a bit.
By the way, anybody want to buy some See's candy?
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